New Girls ❤️ Colombo 🥀 Hot Girl Full Service 🥀 20000/=

🧿 Niki 19 age
🧿 Nethuli 21 age
🧿 Thi is my real pic dont ask more pictures
🧿 Location Colombo - Hotel room
😊😊 My condition
❤️ Bo.obs ok✔..
❤️ With out condom S.uck 😋
❤️ Lip Kiss Ok✔
❤️ 69 Position Ok✔
❤️ Li😜ing OK✔
❤️ Any Position Ok✔
❤️ Doggy style Ok✔
🍁 Genuine Full Service
🍁 1 Hour 1 Shot 20000/=
🍁 A/C, NON A/C Hotel Room 100% Very Safe Place & Car Park Available
🍁 Welcome Genuine VVIP Best Customer...
🍁 Come and Enjoy With Unlimited Fun...
🍁 No Time Wasters 🚫
🙏🏻 Thanks
🫡🫡 Please Call
📲 0768908392 Phone answer by Asha
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